There are two types of life changes. The first involves things beyond your control such as death and divorce. The second is when you decide to proactively make a change in order to make your life more fulfilling — think embarking on a new career, going back to school or taking a year sabbatical to travel. Despite the fact that it can be exciting to switch up your routine, the experience definitely comes with its fair share of stressors. This is why it’s important that you’re making good choices for your mental well-being in an effort to cope with stress and anxiety.
Everything you deal with in life can be linked to your mental health, so it’s important that you’re being mindful of making healthy choices in order to make positive changes. There’s no reason to overthink this as practicing self-care can be as simple as taking a walk outside, volunteering, dancing, reading, laughing, or petting an animal. But if you want to take it to the next level, here are some ways to ensure you’ll be able to maintain your stamina throughout your entire journey and beyond. Consider these suggestions from Unique to You Nutrition.
Practice Meditation And Yoga
Sure, you may already know that yoga is great for increasing strength and flexibility, but were you aware that it can also encourage personal growth? Research indicates that those who regularly practice yoga set the foundation for change as it helps individuals accept and understand their abilities and limitations while helping them stay calm under pressure. It also reduces ego, increases mindfulness, teaches self-love and increases patience. Even scientists agree that even a few minutes of daily yoga can help, which is not only encouraging, but it’s also easy to do no matter how busy your schedule becomes. This will help as you get older so you can do Age In Place.
Switch Up Your Exercise Routine With Crossfit
While all forms of exercise fit into the self-care category, Crossfit has a particular effect because of its strong ability to change the mind and body. Those who engage in this obstacle course-like workout learn how to let go of judgment, think stronger and have increased confidence, all of which can aid anyone making a major life change.
Take Care of Your Teeth
Did you know that your oral health is directly linked with your overall health? Issues like heart disease and dementia are connected with the health of your mouth, so it’s important to take good care of your teeth and gums. Brush, floss and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash routinely. And if you’re avoiding that self-care basic because misalignment of your teeth is making it challenging, it might be time to consider addressing that as well. There are in-home treatment methods like byte that can correct minor misalignment issues. As a bonus, byte has outstanding ratings from users and is an affordable solution. Not only will it ease your dental care routine, it can boost your confidence in your smile.
Eat To Reduce Stress
While there’s no arguing that skinless chicken breast and vegetables are better for your health than calling the pizza delivery man, the exact type of foods you choose can also have a significant impact on your stress levels. In order to combat the jitters that come with change, incorporate some stress-busting superfoods into your diet. Some examples include avocados, wild caught salmon, blueberries, seeds of all kinds, fermented foods, organic turkey breast, leafy greens and dark chocolate.
Sleep Your Way To Success
Not only do you look and feel better when you get enough shuteye, but science proves getting ample sleep is critical to your success. You’ll find it easier to handle high-pressure situations and feel more productive. And, as sleep improves one’s ability to problem-solve complex information, you’ll be smarter, too.
Accept the fact that your plan is liable to have a few forks in the road that force you to reprogram, but awareness is one of the key components to personal growth. Remembering the three P’s (patience, persistence and perseverance) can serve as a gentle reminder to keep working toward your goals. Along with achieving a tangible goal, the payoff for your commitment is a positive, life-changing shift in how you think, feel and act.
For more great fitness, diet, and overall health tips to help you stay fit over 40, visit Unique to You Nutrion’s blog.
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